Our coaches work hard to keep students practicing all summer long.
Click the link to see information about all of the camps and training sessions happening for all of our activities: https://5il.co/1tvo8

Parents, students, staff, and community members nominated these teachers for "going above and beyond for our schools and their students.
"Thank you to the Buhler Ed Foundation for supporting this program

Shoutout to all our food service kitchen managers, cooks, and administrative staff!
This is a diligent, dedicated bunch of people who prepare and provide tasty, nutritious meals to students and staff by the THOUSANDS over the course of the year!
Make sure to tell them THANKS on School Lunch Hero Day!!!

Our schools are celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week this week! We are so grateful to have the BEST teachers and staff in Buhler Schools!
They define our Core Expectations of:
Champions for All Kids
Better Together
Directors of Hope
Commitment to Excellence
Just us in Crusader Nation as we recognize their exceptional talents, efforts, and IMPACT on our students and community!
They are truly Positive World Changers!

Determination is our Core Essential Value for the month of May!
As we draw to a close this year, there's no better value to leverage as we "finish what we've started."
It's worth it! Let's cross the finish line strong, Crusaders!!!

Hello! Below is another video to learn more about the process of becoming a route driver for USD 313. It has some great perspectives from some of our recent trainees and new hires. Please consider helping to provide an important service for our community and students.
Bus drivers have the tremendous opportunity to start a student's day and end a student's day with a smile, which is extremely valuable to each child

Buhler USD 313 has the following certified positions available:
Kindergarten teacher at Plum Creek Elementary
3rd grade teacher at Plum Creek Elementary
6th grade language arts teacher at Prairie Hills Middle School
We also have many coaching positions as well as the following classified positions available:
Bus driver
Kitchen manager (Plum Creek and Buhler Grade School)
CARES Club(After school care) Aide
Various kitchen positions
Preschool Para-Professional
Shining Stars (PreK Day Care) Assistant
Instructional Paraeducator
We are committed to providing an exceptional experience for all. See the video below to find out what Buhler USD 313 is all about!
Apply online at: https://www.applitrack.com/buhlerschools/onlineapp/default.aspx

Happy Principals Day!
Special shoutout to Mr. Ellegood, Mr. Patton, Mr. Seuser, Mr. Geilenfeldt, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Rank, Mrs. Ropp, Mrs. Graff, and Mrs. Shook!
These leaders DO IT ALL!
Champions for All Kids---YEP!
Committed to Excellence--YEP!
Better Together--YEP!
Directors of Hope--YEP!
We are so thankful to have the BEST school leaders right here in USD 313!

Here is the BHS Crusader News Bulletin for next week! Have a great weekend!

Happy Administrative Professionals Day to our hard-working, talented and dedicated administrative professional staff at each building and throughout our district!
You are the GLUE that makes all us STICK...to the task at hand and with each other as teammates!
We cannot imagine school life without your smiles and support!
Wishing you the best on your special day!!! We appreciate you a million times over!!!

USD 313 needs your help. Please watch the short attached video on how you could become a CDL licensed driver to provide a service to our wonderful students. This is a great opportunity to provide a service to our students and community as well as make some additional income.

Plum Creek Elementary is in need of food service help. Come join us for the last few weeks before school is out!
Share with anyone who might be interested!
Apply online here: https://www.applitrack.com/buhlerschools/OnlineApp/JobPostings/View.asp?AppliTrackJobId=1200

Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL for ALL SCHOOLS on Friday, April 28th.
Have a great weekend!

Happy Friday! Attached is the News Bulletin for next week.
Please note today's (4/14) Varsity Soccer Game has been changed to 4:30 and JV will follow.
Just a reminder for High School only....there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, April 19th, as Band and Choir are hosting the State Music Festival here at BHS!
A quick note from FFA...
Unfortunately, our high school greenhouse needed some repairs this year and with delays in getting these repairs completed in a timely manner (we are finally scheduled for May 1st), we will NOT be hosting a plant sale this spring! We appreciate those of you that have supported us in the past and we are planning to have our sale again in the spring of 2024.
Have a great weekend!

E Sports are ROCKING this spring!
Playoffs are starting this week, and 7 out of the 10 teams have clinched a spot in the playoffs in the Central Time Zone Region!
Here are our E-Sports Teams and their recent performances!
Smash Ultimate Teams made it to the top 64 playoffs ranked both 33rd (Crusader Gold) and 37th (Crusader Silver) of 137 teams.
Buhler Gold: Tim Anderson, Andrew Stohr, and Jenna Shull with sub Isaak Neighbor
Buhler Silver: Cole Davies, Reese Smith, and Christian Smith
Rocket League Teams made it to the top 32 playoffs ranked both 17th (Crusader Gold) and 28th (Crusader Silver) out of 93 teams.
Buhler Gold: Lucas Diaz, Carsen Blasdel, and Jayden Black
Buhler Silver: Peyton Whitaker, Brock Stephens, and Talan Martin with sub Rack Lusk
Madden players made it to the top 32 playoffs with (Dylan Jackson (9th) and Sidney Sorenson (11th) out of 81 students.
In NBA2K, Calum Morgan made it to the top 64 playoffs ranked 53rd out of 202 students.
Way to go, Buhler E-Sports!

Special Olympics Fundraising Event
Here's a fun, impactful way to spend this Saturday!
This event has been organized by Buhler High School Senior, Paige Simmons! Talk about a positive world changer!!!
Join in the fun at Wheatland Park and help support the Buhler Special Olympics squad!

Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th.
Looking ahead, there will be NO SCHOOL, FOR HIGH SCHOOL ONLY, on Wednesday, April 19th, as BHS is hosting the State Music Festival.
Have a fantastic 4 day weekend! Happy Easter!

Congratulations to the staff pictured below for "going above and beyond for students, staff, and/or community members."
In a random drawing from this group of recipients, Josh Freking(math teacher at BHS) and Allison Weber(1st grade teacher at BGS), won a $25 gift card to Dillons.
Thank you to The Buhler Education Foundation for supporting this program!
Also, if you need a reminder of how much this means to our staff, when one person received their certificate, they said, "I don't know why I am crying." It is because words matter. In a world so quick to judge, please remember that words matter and BE KIND to one another.

Hello Buhler Families!
Polls close at 7:00pm tonight for our Raising the Standard bond issue. Visit our site here for detailed information about the project: https://www.usd313.org/page/raising-the-standard-bond-issue
Visit the Reno County Clerk's page to find polling information here: https://www.renogov.org/138/Elections

April 4th is School Librarian Day!!!
Special shoutout to our district Library Media Specialist team of Janea Gray, Melissa Newcome, Vicky Richardson and Trisha Burgey!
You are the fuel to our fire when it comes to stoking a passion for reading among our students!
You are innovative educators who keep us on the cutting edge with technology integration!
We appreciate you!
**Buhler Crusaders, please jump in and personally recognize these exceptional educators in the comments!**