We are excited to share a new project that shows the activities and learning happening at BHS! These are pictures taken and captioned by photographers in our Introduction to Photojournalism and Advanced Photojournalism classes with Mrs. Neill. Stay tuned! We'll be updating throughout the year. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bt1rqugWtuw-Dq4TDoBiqfio8rMxcPQ-/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, BHS Journalism
Buhler Schools is excited to announce our district Kansas Teacher of the Year nominees! All of our teachers are exceptional and these two are two of the very best. Join us in congratulating Courtney Adkins, Elementary Nominee Brian Moler, Secondary Nominee
over 2 years ago, Cindy Couchman
KTOY nomjnees
Looking to work in Buhler Schools as a paraeducator? Reno County Education Cooperative (RCEC) services students in our building. When you work for RCEC in Buhler Schools you are a Crusader! RCEC has a half time certified position available at Prairie Hills Middle School and paraeducator openings at all buildings, with a high need at Buhler Grade School, Union Valley, and Prairie Hills. See open positions and apply here: https://rcec610.freshteam.com/jobs At RCEC Paraeducators are a critical team member providing assistance in instruction and other direct services to students to help ensure a positive, safe, and supportive learning community. Our success as an organization, and student's success as they prepare for life after high school, is highly influenced by paraprofessionals. An RCEC Paraeducator generally assists the assigned students under the supervision and guidance of the teacher with: • Implementing modifications and supports defined in the student's Individual Education Program (IEP). • Instructional support. • Group and individual activities and projects. • Planning and organizing learning experiences. • Monitoring behavior, health, or physical needs of students. • Data collection and record-keeping. • Personal care and sanitary needs. • Timely and consistent communication and mobility assistance.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
A reminder that anyone can contact one of our attendance centers or the central office for at-home COVID tests. Please call ahead and send a healthy individual in to pick them up! We are pleased to offer this service to all of our community members and families.
over 2 years ago, Cindy Couchman
free covid tests
Make note of our upcoming school-based vaccine clinics. See the image below for details. Forms can be found here: https://www.usd313.org/documents/services/health-services/school-based-vaccine-clinic-forms/223331
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
vaccine clinics
With COVID numbers rising in our community, it is a good time to share USD #313 COVID Protocols. Please see the attached pdf for information. As part of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, USD #313 is pleased to offer free over the counter COVID tests. These tests are to be completed at home. You may pick up tests at any of our school buildings or central office. Please call ahead and verify they have one on hand and only come in our buildings if you are healthy!
over 2 years ago, Cindy Couchman
COVID protocols
The 2022 Yearbook has arrived and can now be picked up by sophomores - seniors before or after school in the journalism room. 2022 graduates can have a family member pick up their books in the office or email bhsjournalism@usd313.org for other pick up arrangements. We have 10 extra 2022 yearbooks - cost is $60. Freshman yearbooks from PHMS will be delivered at a later date. Stay tuned!
over 2 years ago, BHS Journalism
2022 BHS Yearbook
Buhler Families,  The district received word today that the traffic signal that is installed at 30th and Lucille is being removed. I have reached out to City Manager, Gary Meagher, regarding concerns surrounding safety and traffic flow during arrival and dismissal times at Prairie Hills Middle School. He shared that the completed traffic studies were conducted when school was in session. The results do not meet current requirements to have a stoplight at the intersection.  We are working together to find alternative solutions. I am appreciative of the partnership we have with Gary Meagher and the City of Hutchinson. We both want the same outcome-- efficiency of traffic flow and safety of our community.   In the meantime, please be aware of the changes to the intersection starting MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd: *New stop signs will be installed on Lucille at the the intersection of Lucille and 30th. *The traffic light on Lucille will be placed on flashing red. *The traffic light on 30th will be placed on flashing yellow.  *The flashing traffic signals will stay on until Tuesday, August 30th, at which time the lights will be removed.  Please talk to your younger drivers about this change.   For guardians during pick up at PHMS, it is IMPERATIVE that cars do not block the south parking lot exit as buses exit the lot. Please give buses the right of way. We appreciate your patience as we work through new traffic patterns. Cindy Couchman, Superintendent Buhler Schools
over 2 years ago, Cindy Couchman
Buhler families, Since the Covid-19 pandemic started in 2020, the federal government has supported schools and families with funds to pay for breakfast and lunch for all students. That program has now ended. Meal pricing information is attached. My School Bucks is currently down, but you may add funds to your child's account once it is available, or send money with your child to add to their account. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
meal pricing
meal pricing fax
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Online enrollment will CLOSE on Monday, August 8th at NOON. Please make sure you have located the email and snap code for each of your students and are able to enroll by that time. If you have questions please call the district office and ask for Charlene Cooper #BetterTogether
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Returning Students
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
In-person enrollment for new students is tomorrow 7:30 - 5:30 in the school buildings. We are excited to meet you! Find links to paperwork needed and a map of our school boundaries here: https://www.usd313.org/page/enrollment-information-forms Online enrollment for returning students will close on Monday, August 8th at noon.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
New student enrollment
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
Parents and Caregivers, Updated forms for for physicals, athletic and activity fees, and joining the BHS Booster Club can be found on our website at: https://buhlerks.sites.thrillshare.com/o/bhs/page/athletics-and-activities
over 2 years ago, BHS Journalism
Online enrollment is now LIVE for returning students and preschool students who registered in the spring. Families, please check your email for your enrollment link containing all of the necessary information. Contact the district office if you have questions.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313
enroll now
Parents/Guardians of 22/23 school year juniors, Your student that will be a junior for the 2022-2023 school year will be required to have an update on their immunizations. VACCINE REQUIRED: MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE WHO WILL BE REQUIRED: All incoming juniors for the 2022-2023 school year and who are 16 years of age. Most students have already received a Meningococcal vaccine when they were in middle school. There MUST be one vaccine after age 16. This will result in 2 vaccines. This requirement is due at ENROLLMENT for the 2022-2023 school year to be able to attend the first day of school. Proof of this vaccine must be turned in to Kathy Clark, R.N. for BHS. You may email proof of this vaccine to kclark@usd313.org, Fax-620-543-2255, mail it to Attn.: Kathy Clark R.N., 611 N. Main, Buhler, Ks. 67522 or simply drop off at BHS. Parents may request and complete an immunization exemption for a valid medical concern. The student’s physician must complete a form obtained on our website or from the school nurse, or parents can complete a religious exemption stating they do not religiously adhere to immunizations. Kathy Clark, BHS R.N.
over 2 years ago, Buhler USD 313