On January 17th, 2025 the Buhler Education Foundation will be hosting Dueling Pianos in the brand NEW 1861 Club on the state fairgrounds. In addition to the excellent entertainment there will be raffles, amazing local flavors, and opportunities to learn how the foundation serves our students and schools.
Tickets will be available by December 9th and you'll be able to find that info on our website and social media. We hope to see you there!

Crusader Corner and Buhler Beginnings Day Care have immediate openings for ages birth through 3. Our staff provide a caring, joyful, and creative child care environment for your little ones!
Apply to our centers at the links below and reach out to Cherish Kelley with any questions you have.
(Please note, the application asks for credit card information but you are not charged until your child is officially enrolled)
Buhler Beginnings (Located in Buhler at Buhler Grade School) https://app.tryplayground.com/listings/fnSCbSl39LPT4egreGT4
Crusader Corner (Located at 509 East 56th Ave in Hutchinson) https://app.tryplayground.com/listings/N6KRqUwjk0VHHkCv72VX
Please share with friends and family members seeking care for their little ones!

Attached is the News Bulletin for next week, the BHS Blood Drive info and the Harvest for Hunger details.
Good luck to the football team tonight at Wamego! Go Crusaders!
Have a great weekend!

Attached is the News Bulletin for next week. Keep scrolling to learn more about the upcoming Blood Drive and Harvest for Hunger.
Attendance Reminders:
- If a student is absent from school, Please call the attendance office at 543-2255 before 9:00 a.m. or as soon as possible on the day of the absence.
- Appointment cards or Doctor’s notes are to be turned into the office if an appointment is scheduled during the school day.

This month's Core Essential Value is generosity. Our students will be discussing how, "making someone's day by giving something away," can impact our friends, neighbors, and classmates throughout November. Generosity is a great way to become a positive world changer, which is our district vision for each of our students!

Attached is the News Bulletin for next week. Just a reminder that we DO NOT have school tomorrow, Friday, November 1st.
FOR STUDENTS: For the Friday night Football game, as long as the STUDENTS have the Go Fan app on their phone, their gate admission to the game will be covered. If they do not have the app, it will cost $7 for their gate entry to the game.
Blood drive info is also attached along with the QR code to sign up.
Have a great weekend!

Save the date for November 14th, 16th, or 17th to join us for our high school musical production of "The Sound of Music."
See details, including ticket info, in the image below.

Attached is the New Bulletin for next week, along with several other bits of info. Keep scrolling to read. Hope you have a great weekend!
Two days remain to purchase a yearbook for $60! After Oct. 25th, prices rise to $65. Payments are available. Go to www.jostens.com to order a copy today!
If your student is needing picture retakes, please sign them up using the link below. Picture retakes are in the afternoon of Monday, Nov. 25th.
Click the link HERE to purchase.
Please email Mrs. Neill at sneill@usd313.org if you have any questions.

Join us for a blood drive! See below for details regarding a blood drive happening at Buhler High School on November 26 from 8:00 - 1:00.

Crusader Corner and Buhler Beginnings Day Cares are complete and are now accepting children, ages birth-3!
Our infant rooms are nearly full but slots are available for ages 12 months and walking through preschool age.
Apply online at the links below. Waitlist communication happens through the Playground platform you find at the links.
Buhler Beginnings (Located in Buhler at Buhler Grade School) https://app.tryplayground.com/listings/fnSCbSl39LPT4egreGT4
Crusader Corner (Located at 509 East 56th Ave in Hutchinson) https://app.tryplayground.com/listings/N6KRqUwjk0VHHkCv72VX

Exceptional Educators - WANTED! For the 2025-2026 school year, we are seeking the following certified positions!
Thank you for helping us spread the word about these openings!
Use this link to see our employment website and corresponding application portal: https://tinyurl.com/yc85377e

Join us TONIGHT for 2024 Fall Homecoming!
Classy Cru, BHS Marching Band, BHS Cheer, Student Section, Football, King & Queen!
What a great way to spend a Friday night!

The Reno County Health Department will be offering flu vaccine clinics in our buildings on the following dates and times. See the image for details

Buhler USD 313 is seeking a design and copy coordinator to begin immediately. This person serves our teachers and staff by printing the majority of the material used in our classrooms each day and occasionally helping to design programs, brochures, calendars, etc...
See the job opening and apply online at: https://www.applitrack.com/buhlerschools/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Staff+Support
Please share with friends and family who may be interested in this position. Thank you!

Did you know?
Mrs. Neill's journalism students get real world writing experience by publishing articles to the Buhler High School News page. Check out some of their most recent work here:

Families of USD 313 and Reno County Education Co-op adaptive students, be sure to join us at the YMCA for Adaptive Family Night on October 5th from 6-8pm. This will be an open gym and swim time.
We are looking forward to joining our USD 308 friends for a night of fun!

We are thrilled to share our nominees for Kansas Teacher of the Year!
Mrs. Kristy Adams is our elementary nominee. Mrs. Adams teaches 3rd grade at Union Valley
Mrs. Denise Ingalls is our secondary nominee. Mrs. Ingalls teaches 6th grade social studies at Prairie Hills.
Both will represent USD 313 extremely well through the application process and make exceptional candidates for teacher of the year.
Help us congratulate these two amazing teachers! We wish them luck as they complete the paperwork for state teacher of the year.

Hooray! The 2024 BHS Yearbooks are here! They will be delivered to students on Wednesday during Homeroom CRU. If your student has graduated or moved, please fill out this form so we can help get their book in their hands!
Form: https://forms.gle/cNunoYu9ybrtcivX8

Our child care centers, Crusader Corner and Buhler Beginnings are complete and are now accepting children, ages birth-3! Be on the lookout for open house details. We can't wait to show them off! We are accepting formal applications through our web platform, called Playground. If you had already joined our waitlist via Google Form you should have received a message to officially apply through Playground earlier this week. Don't worry, we have saved your waitlist position! Playground will allow you to see your waitlist status (applied, waitlist, accepted, dropped), and will allow staff to communicate with you throughout the process. If you have not already joined our waitlist and are interested, please click the links below to apply and grab a spot in line. If you are interested in both locations you will need to complete information at both links. Buhler Beginnings (Located in Buhler at Buhler Grade School) https://app.tryplayground.com/listings/fnSCbSl39LPT4egreGT4 Crusader Corner (Located at 509 East 56th Ave in Hutchinson) https://app.tryplayground.com/listings/N6KRqUwjk0VHHkCv72VX

We had the privilege to notify two of our teachers that they have been nominated for the Kansas Horizon Award! Each year the Kansas State Department of Education recognizes exceptional 2nd year teachers through this award.
Our nominees this year are Mr. Brayden Witthuhn, 5th grade teacher at Union Valley, and Mrs. Rylie Sanders, Vo-Ag and Industrial Technology Teacher at BHS. They each completed an exceptional first year of teaching in May and will represent our district well through the application process!
Congratulations, Brayden and Rylie! We are lucky to have you on our team!