Today is the last chance to purchase a yearbook for the 2023-2024 school year for $65+tax! Online payments are available. Prices go up tomorrow. Books will be on sale until June 1st or until all copies are sold. Quantity is limited. Go to to reserve your student's copy. Contact Samantha Neill at if you have questions.
over 1 year ago, BHS Journalism
One day left to order a yearbook for $65+tax
We are better together! We've got two opportunities to help our other district schools. PHMS is running a food drive for the Reno County Food Bank through tomorrow, Friday Dec. 8th. Any canned goods can be taken to the PHMS office. Buhler Grade School is collecting pop tabs until April 2024. Start saving and stay tuned for more information about how you can get them to BGS to help support the Ronald McDonald House.
over 1 year ago, BHS Journalism
PHMS Food Drive
Join us to celebrate and thank our outgoing board of education members for their service! This coming Monday, December 11th from 5:30-6:00 at the Burkholder Administrative Center. Thank you for your service! #BetterTogether
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Our Core Essential Value of the month is generosity! Throughout the month our students will be learning, discussing, and practicing generosity. Talk about this value with your students as you go about this busy season. #BetterTogether
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
WE ARE HIRING!! Many of the positions will be having interviews in just a couple weeks. If you are interested, please apply now!! We are looking forward to welcoming more positive world changers. Open now and will be interviewing soon are: NEW: Prairie Hills Middle School Head Secretary (start date ASAP) Grounds Maintenance (start date ASAP) 5th Grade (school year 2024-2025) Kindergarten (school year 2024-2025) High School Social Studies (school year 2024-2025) Spanish/ELA (school year 2024-2025) To apply:
over 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
apply now
School attendance matters, especially in the early grades when we are covering crucial phonics skills and foundational number sense. Take a look through the images to see all the ways 90% attendance positively affects student learning. Our district goal is for at least 93% of our students to attend at least 90% of school days. No, we don't want you to send your children to school if they're sick, but do try your best to schedule appointments and trips outside of school time. We get it, that feels like a tall order! We're all in this together! #BetterTogether
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
positive feelings
3rd grade reading
make school easier
avoid chronic absenteeism
whole class benefits
extracurricular involvement
sick days
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Reading opens doors! If you have a small child at home, read two picture books before bed. If your child is older try a chapter or two before bed. The more a child is read to the easier it is to learn how to read independently! #BetterTogether
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
language development
attention span
BLOOD DRIVE at BHS! Thank you, Mrs. Whisler and BHS, for working with American Red Cross in hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, November 21st from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Here's the link to schedule your appointment: Hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
Reminder: School is not in session for all USD 313 schools tomorrow, November 1st. Please have a fun and safe time tonight!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Buhler USD 313 is one of only 7 districts in the state to have earned 6 or more KSDE STAR awards! These awards are a testament to the comprehensive and exceptional work that each of our staff and students engage in every day. Please read the full story here: #Bexceptional #CommittedtoExcellence
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Yesterday we were honored to recognize our nominees for elementary and secondary teacher of the year. Elevating and celebrating our exceptional educators is one of our very favorite things to do! Please help us congratulate Mrs. Rochelle Napier, 5th grade teacher at Plum Creek, as our elementary teacher of the year candidate and Mr. John Clark, Vocational Ag teacher and FFA Advisor at Buhler High School, as our secondary teacher of the year candidate! #Bexceptional # CommittedtoExcellence
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Crusader Nation, Please see the attached poster regarding our Red Cross Blood Drive at Buhler High School! On the poster, you will find time, date, location, and appointment details! Thank you for considering this opportunity to GIVE :-)
over 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
As a reminder, due to parent/teacher conferences happening in our elementary buildings and at Prairie Hills Middle School, our schools have varying schedules this week. See below for details. PreK: No school Wednesday-Friday Kinder-5th grade: No school Thursday or Friday Middle School: No school Friday High School: In session all week Ad Astra: In session as normal
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
conference week schedule
Buhler USD 313 will have surplus items available to take at the building that will become our new day care this Saturday, October 21st, from 9-12. These items were left behind in the sale of Faith Baptist church. The sale will take place on location, at 509 E. 56th Street, Hutchinson, KS. Items, save those that are being auctioned by Gavel Roads, are available to take as a free will donation, and everything must go. Any items remaining will be disposed of following noon on Saturday. Please view frequently asked questions here: You may also view a photo gallery of available items here: View items being auctioned by Gavel Roads here: -construction-equipment-auction?fbclid=IwAR1669KxjcMX5mLl10sKpf-R2mK 2JdR0zI1MDmOgkWeE9VO7TzKJ7c3Ow44 Please help us share this opportunity widely! Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
yard sale
Good morning! Our Buhler Crusader community is connected with so many different employers and organizations in the community. Your employer or organization may want to consider being a part of All Hands on Deck, a massive professional learning event for all Reno County schools on January 3rd, 2024! Here's a note about the event a form for learning more about vending/sponsor opportunities! If you have questions or wish to chat more about it, I'm your contact: Paul Erickson, For the first time ever, Reno County schools are rallying as a team of educators for a shared professional learning day called All Hands on Deck.  Over 1,100 teachers, Hutchinson Community College instructors, and administrators will be on HCC’s campus on January 3rd, 2024 for a day of workshops, keynote presentations, and networking opportunities.  An integral component of this day is connecting 1,100 area educators with vendors both inside and outside of education.  Vendor options include being a part of our vendor showcase and/or leading presentations for attendees.  Below is a form that interested vendors can complete so that they can be a part of All Hands on Deck. *All Hands on Deck Vendor Form: We have 22 vendors, so far, but have room for up to 10 more! We are excited about these partnerships and are motivated to add more!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Paul Erickson
Vendors Wanted
We recently completed purchase of the church building that is to become our new day care facility in Hutchinson. The building came with a number of items we are auctioning off using Gavel Roads, an online auction service. Please click the link below to see the pews, desk, piano, and other items that are available. We would love it if you would share this link with individuals that may be interested. Thank you for your help getting the word out!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Online Auction
⏰⏰⏰Don't wait! Prices for yearbooks go up after October 1st! Reserve your copy today - payments are available. Cost is $60 + tax. Click here to order: 🎓🎓🎓Senior Tributes will be purchased online and then placed in the yearbook. Deadline is April 1st.*These are not required for seniors, but this is a great way to share their senior pictures and a brief message congratulating your student as a member of the class of 2024. All seniors will have their picture from individual picture day in the yearbook. Click here to order senior tributes: If you have any questions, please contact Samantha Neill at or by calling 620-543-2255.
over 1 year ago, BHS Journalism
Yearbook prices go up on Oct. 1st
Our Core Essential Value of the Month is Integrity! Integrity is defined as: "Choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do." Teachers and students practice integrity throughout their school day and during extracurricular activities. Integrity is also one of our DNA of a Buhler Graduate Character traits. Learn more about our DNA here:
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
You can now sign up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library online! INSPIRE A LOVE FOR READING “ You can never get enough books into the hands of enough children.” Dolly Every month, from birth until their 5th birthday, your child will receive a FREE book appropriate for their age. You can enroll your child today by scanning the QR code in this image or by visiting:
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Dolly Parton