Buhler USD 313 has positions available for Plum Creek Kitchen Manager and Director of Grounds. Below are some details on each of these. Please share these opportunities with friends or family that would make great additions to our exceptional staff! Call the district office if you have other questions, or apply online here: https://www.applitrack.com/buhlerschools/onlineapp/default.aspx Plum Creek Kitchen Manager School year position Off on days school is not in session 6:00am - 2:00pm Benefits eligible! Director of Grounds 12 month position Yearly leave and vacation available Benefits eligible!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
positions available
See the attached graphic for information about school-based flu vaccine clinics this fall. Find vaccine forms on our website document under health services.
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
vaccine clinics
The Buhler Education Foundation is raising matching grant funds for USD 313 child care centers. Read their letter here: https://5il.co/213n6 Make a donation here: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E362335&id=2
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Child Care Letter
Buhler USD 313 has positions available for Plum Creek Kitchen Manager and Director of Grounds. Below are some details on each of these. Call the district office if you have other questions, or apply online here: https://www.applitrack.com/buhlerschools/onlineapp/default.aspx Plum Creek Kitchen Manager School year position Off on days school is not in session 6:00am - 2:00pm Benefits eligible! Director of Grounds 12 month position Yearly leave and vacation available Benefits eligible!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
positions available
ATTN Buhler Crusaders and Community, We've had some increased interest for our B-Well 5K at the Buhler Frolic on October 7th! We are extending our deadline to THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th! Please see the link below for details and registration. We have 80 participants so far! Let's shoot for 100! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrXSB0lkeelMYn8ZZ8bAm7yje8FK-OobHqKF3EMTXccb_Z3g/viewform
over 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
Our Core Essential Value of the Month is FRIENDSHIP! Friendship is defined as: "Using your words and actions to show others you care." An excellent value to start the fall as we build friendships through school, activities, and athletics!
over 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
Happy weekend! If you are a runner, jogger, walker, please consider joining us for a 5K at the Buhler Frolic on October 7th. It's just $20 to join in the fun and all proceeds will support B-Well, our district wellness program right here in USD 313! Mr. Morgan is helping design the course and his CC student-athletes are helping guide and cheer along participants! This event is open to all in the community and we would love to have some BHS students in the mix! Use this link to register. Deadline is September 1st. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrXSB0lkeelMYn8ZZ8bAm7yje8FK-OobHqKF3EMTXccb_Z3g/viewform Please reach out to Dr. Erickson at perickson@usd313.org if you have questions!
over 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
On Monday we had the honor of nominating Mrs. Jenna Kimble, 3rd grade teacher at Union Valley, for the Kansas Horizon Award! The Kansas Horizon Award is sponsored by the Kansas State Department of Education and its mission is to recognize exemplary first-year teachers who perform in a way that distinguishes them as outstanding. Mrs. Kimble had an exceptional first year of teaching last year and is an excellent nominee for this award. Congratulations Jenna, and good luck on your application! #Bexceptional
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Horizon award nominee
Horizon award nominee
During the regular July BOE meeting, the public survey results were shared with the Board. DCS, an independent company, conducted the survey and shared the results along with summary data with the Board. Follow this link for the full news article and summary: https://www.usd313.org/o/usd-313/article/1209483
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Hello! We made an error in our message regarding students attending at PHMS and BHS tomorrow. 6th graders and freshman will attend, PLUS all NEW Buhler students in grades 6-12. Sorry for the confusion!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
We are so excited to see our students tomorrow! See the images for open house times at our elementary buildings and school start/dismissal times. Tuesday and Wednesdays this week are 2 hour early release days. Tuesday will be only 6th graders and freshmen at PHMS and BHS, with all students attending on Wednesday. PreK and kindergarten students will NOT attend this week. Boys only in those grades will attend Monday the 21st, girls only on Tuesday the 22nd, with all students attending Wednesday the 23rd. Here's to an EXCEPTIONAL school year!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
open houses
start times
A note from our Tech Director, Laura Reed, regarding a new app, Saturn, for parents to be aware of. When was the last time that you actually read a user agreement for an app that you loaded onto your device? This morning I read the user agreement and privacy policy of an app called Saturn. This app is geared towards high school students, but middle school students are using it also. In Google Admin we can see if a student requests that this app has access to their school email accounts, 5 students (we can not see who they are) have already tried to allow Saturn access to their school email account, but I denied them. Saturn allows you to take a picture of your schedule, see who else is in your class, connect, and socialize, with other users in your school. Get invited to events that your other classmates are hosting. It is not intended for teachers or other adults, it says this. They collect your phone number, IP address, location (even if you don't allow it, they can figure this out with your IP Address and cell phone towers), other apps installed, your contacts... If you log in with your Microsoft, Google, or other social network account, they have access to your user ID, name, photo, and even access to your email, who you interact with. They use cookies, like Facebook does, to watch what you are doing on your phone, what you browse, other apps you use... Saturn Technologies Inc sells this information to others. Think for a moment about what good this app can do. Then think about what bad this app can do. Or you can read a Facebook post here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02xZt5mM68dafxrV5SVgniLuUQvU2aD6uyWyermP6uiJZB9g7AuYw7VQ6ZdR22Y5r8l&id=66802404&mibextid=pjQu9i The district has blocked Saturn on our devices. But the students can put it on their own devices. Use their own cell data to connect with it. Being informed helps us make better decisions. Thank you, Laura and team, for your work on continually safeguarding our network and students. On a personal note, I did create an account to check this out. The app has Buhler High's entire schedule, staff names, our logo, and I didn't have to verify any school email. I had immediate access to every student on this app and at the time there were 43 students on it. Social media is powerful but it is also the root cause of many discipline issues our administration handles each day. Cindy Couchman, Superintendent Buhler Schools
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Saturn app logo
LAST CALL FOR ONLINE ENROLLMENT! Have you enrolled your returning student yet? Online enrollment closes Monday, August 7th at noon. Enrollment fees do not have to be paid at the time of enrollment. However, if you get online and pay them anytime during the online enrollment window, credit card fees are waived. After noon on Monday, guardians must go to the buildings to enroll. It is recommended to call ahead and verify staff will be present to enroll you.
over 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
online enrollment
We are so excited to meet our newest Crusaders! New student enrollment is THURSDAY, August 3rd, from 7:30am - 5:30 pm. Visit your attendance center to enroll your student. Click below for a list of documents to bring with you as well as a map of attendance center boundaries. https://www.usd313.org/page/enrollment-information-forms
over 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
new student enrollment
ATTENTION Buhler Crusader Community! B-Well, our district wellness team, is hosting a 5K at the Buhler Frolic this year on Saturday, October 7th! We are inviting YOU as a runner, jogger, walker, or walker-talker to JOIN us! It'll be a GREAT way to kickoff the Frolic and support our wellness program! Registration is simple and open to all both in and outside the Crusader community! Please see the graphic here for details as well as this link for the registration form: https://tinyurl.com/BWell5K Please contact Paul Erickson (perickson@usd313.org) with any questions!
over 1 year ago, Paul Erickson
School Supply Lists can be found linked on our website here for elementary grades: https://5il.co/ue5y. Please visit this link for PHMS: https://tinyurl.com/mpywsmk3. For BHS: https://tinyurl.com/yweu4dyr. Happy school supply shopping!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
Supply lists
We have had some questions about open house dates and times. See the image below with dates and times each of our buildings will hold their open house. Also included are online and in-person enrollment dates. Looking forward to seeing you!
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
enrollment dates
1,304 returning students have submitted their online enrollment for the 23/24 school year! We are over halfway there! If you have not enrolled your student yet, please check your email and complete it soon. Email enrollhelp@usd313.org with any issues you encounter, or call the central office We are excited for this school year! #Bexceptional
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
enroll now
Convoy of Hope is back THIS SATURDAY! See the image for details #BetterTogether
over 1 year ago, Buhler USD 313
convoy of hope
NOW HIRING! We want your talent! Apply here: https://www.applitrack.com/buhlerschools/onlineapp/
over 1 year ago, Cindy Couchman
hiring now